The Jamia Mosque Khudabad was built in Kalhora dynasty.
It is located in Khudabad Village approximately 10 KMs in the south of Dadu town. It was built by Mian Yar Muhammad Kalhoro.

The Jamia Mosque Khudabad was built in Kalhora dynasty.
It is located in Khudabad Village approximately 10 KMs in the south of Dadu town. It was built by Mian Yar Muhammad Kalhoro. The, Superintendent of the Archaeological Western Survey ( Mr. Cousens) visited it 1896 and declared the building worthy of conservation to some very good little decoration and its historical associations. It is divided into tow parts one 80 ft: by 21 ft: and the other 80 ft: by 25 ft: and the height is 34 ft: . An open yard in front is enclosed by walls 100 ft: by 80 Ft: . In this building on either site of the entrance is a
beautiful panel of coloured till work. The Jamia Masjid if for nothing else, is for this alone well worth preserving. Both panels have suffered at the hands of the despoiler. All over the Mosque and as high as could be conveniently reached, the tile work has been sadly damaged by visitors trying to dig out separate tiles from the walls. It is almost impossible to remove these without breakage, so thoroughly have they been cemented together; and this the vandals have found, for they have left the walls all pitted over at the joints of the tiles where they have tried to lever them out in succession.